Weeks Well

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Urdhva Hastasana or Upward Hands Pose

All experienced teachers have an internal list of things they say regularly in classes that they believe are worth repeating, even if the regulars eventually can finish the sentence themselves 😜. I find myself swimming to this line -- “Urdhva Hastasana is you at your most human” -- every time I teach Upward Salute, which is nearly every class.  I find it such an elegant expression of our existence as bipeds. A literal extension of Mountain Pose -- your arms are extended skyward -- it takes our standing posture to the next level. It also is upside-down handstand 🆒!

Upward Salute takes all the benefits of Mountain Pose and adds more strengthening to the upper back, more intelligence to the already super-smart shoulder blades, and an even deeper breath as it stretches the trunk and especially the side ribs which contain the lungs.

I teach this pose in corporate settings, too, because it’s as much a confidence builder as it is a stabilizer AND mood lifter. I like to joke that this can be your afternoon coffee or the sweet you like to succor. Try it at 2:30 pm in the office or right before a meeting and see for yourself! The effects are real and they last long enough to get you through 🍬☕️.