Chakra 7
Please see an overview of the Chakras in the Chakra 1 post.
Chakra 7 is the place where all unanswered questions go. Before science, which is the act of looking down and in, or focusing, or dharana, humanity looked up and out for answers. This act was to widen the eyes, to contemplate, to perform dhyana.
We are in an era when these two forces, each in service to understanding, are in conflict. Science at its darkest and most specific, defines death as a specific thing or event. Belief at its farthest reaches makes “death” or “unknown” synonymous with “life” or “known.”
Brought to odds, belief and science are in an irreconcilable war within human consciousness. They do not have to be at odds. For them to be at odds in the mind is to suffer and be unable to hold two truths simultaneously. The body is not only able to hold more than one truth at one time; if in a safe container, it thrives on these energies. Two truths are greater than one, and there is enough universal space to contain both and more.
Belief and science are both in the 7th chakra, as are space, mystery, and electromagnetism. The brain is the 7th chakra. The other side of black holes, if “side” can even be defined with respect to black holes, is the 7th chakra. Science yet unknown is 7th chakra, as are UFOs and life elsewhere in the universe.