Weeks Well

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The breath has a mind of its own, with Richard Rosen

Richard Rosen wrote The Yoga of Breath in 2002, after he had been teaching for 15 years, and just before he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. He has a lot to say about the nature of the breath, and our conversation was the first of what I hope will be many on this podcast. He doesn't like the word "control" in the translation of pranayama; rather, he likes to call it cooperation. I love this idea! You can read about all this and more in his book (like below). We explored how shortened savasana has become since the “typical” yoga class made its entry onto the modern yoga scene, how the earliest recorded poses didn't include backbends, and how Westerners, who like being challenged, sometimes walk away from a 15-minute breath practice when given the chance. Starting at around 32:00/33:00, you'll hear a lot about yoga for Parkinson's. Please let us know if you work with people with Parkinson's or have the chance to share this with someone who does.

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