Pascima Namaskarasana or Reverse Prayer Pose

This pose is tough for many still working with good movement in their shoulders, arms, and wrists. You might even notice that I have some tightness in my left shoulder which causes my joined palms to tilt off to the left ☺️!

Iyengar said that we are working “root to chute,” i.e., from the core to the distal body (fingers and toes). If you can’t touch your palms together facing upward, try facing them downward. If that doesn’t work -- which is still very common in the beginning -- clasp your hands around the opposite elbow.

These are just gradations of action for the elbows, wrists, and hands, but they create nearly the same action for the shoulders! Ultimately, in #pascimanamaskarasana #reverseprayerpose, you get a better “seal” and the healthiest action for your shoulders, but any of these steps along the way works!

Kim Weeks