Upavistakonasana, or Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend
One of my most influential early teachers, @erich_schiffmann, taught me in 2004 one of the most important lessons about this and many other poses. “Just do them daily,” he said, “ like when you’re watching TV.” As a mother, I’ve upgraded the multi-tasking of Wide-angle seated forward bend or #upavistakonasana to times when I’m folding clothes, planning meals for the family, and, um, er, well, actually finishing up business texts as I start my yoga practice -- often! #Freedomyoga ftw! See folks, you really *can* have it all! Decreasing #textneck WHILE texting 🤔
This pose is so good. I included it toward the end of the #detech sequence for @yogajournal because it is a forward bend (quieting, as the poses in the beginning also are), it’s seated (grounding, take it to the floor as often as you can 🙏🏻), and it sets up the next pose, which has nearly the same effect on the back (=back muscles). I understand that this pose is tough for many! Lift yourself up on a blanket or two, or even a block, if straightening the legs and/or lifting the chest is challenging.