The intersection of spirit and science, with Eddie Stern

Eddie Stern has been a spiritual seeker and curious contemplative his whole life. He has spent most of his time in the Ashtanga Yoga tradition and was a student of Pattabhi Jois, but along with many in the school, he has worked hard to heal traumas and elected to expand his view of practice participation in the world for the greater good. He recently decided to get his Masters degree (but he skipped college; listen in for the full details), and his dissertation was titled "Can Yoga Reduce Anxiety and Increase Perception of Purpose in life?" This work speaks to the heart of where he sees himself participating in the world for the rest of the time he's got here. The actions he’s taking in the world—such as inventing and sharing the popular The Breathing App, putting on a multi-month program with Deepak Chopra, and actually wanting to get into the ring and debate what he feels are incorrect and frankly harmful academic theories that have been promoted about yoga—are inspiring and, it seems to me, a function of his tireless intellect and desire to "do the work." It was that part that inspired me the most.

Listen to the episode!