Weeks Well

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Patty Townsend is an inner inquirer

One thing that I took away from my conversation with Patty Townsend is a dead ringer for something I took away from my talk with Jillian Pransky. I almost named these two episodes part 1 and part 2 because of the intersection of a few things: that of giving and receiving both friendship in and wisdom—love, really—in the practice.

It was a delight hearing about Patty's early days with Ashtanga, and then Iyengar, and then Tantra, and her other influential teachers, but what struck me most was her relationship with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, a movement artist interested in every type of healthy, holistic movement you can imagine.

Back to the friendship piece—Patty learned early on in her yoga career that there is no hierarchy in yoga, and no validity in the patriarchy to be sure. There is just co-creation, learning, and then more learning. Most of all, as she puts it: It’s not the mat, it’s the dishes and the children. I hope you enjoy this conversation with another maturing, great teacher who, in this case, has crisscrossed lineages to profound and inspiring effect.