Friday Open-Level Iyengar class

Friday Open-Level Iyengar class


This class occurs occurs every Friday, 12:30 pm-1:00 pm ET.

This class includes practices suitable for both beginning and intermediate yoga students. Over the course of a year, the class incorporates all classical standing, twisting, back-bending, forward-bending, abdominal, and restorative poses, and it prepares students for, or offers modifications for, salamba sirsasana (headstand) and salamba sarvangasana (shoulderstand).

BKS Iyengar’s system of teaching yoga, called Iyengar Yoga, consists of classes of postural or pose-based activities, sequenced in a tested, refined, and transformative way. Alignment is a guiding principle of Iyengar Yoga, but it is only the beginning of the journey. The core essence of Iyengar Yoga is the connection between the teacher and the student in which the teacher instructs correct actions that create alignment, modification to that alignment, and therefore, transformation through the body, mind, and breath. Read more about Iyengar Yoga.

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