Join us at my fall retreat Nov. 17-19 🍁

The fall retreat is always one of my favorite weekends. Several years ago, we started spending time at Stonewall Abbey in Sperryville, VA, and we’ve continued this tradition each fall. Now that I’m based in Denver, it feels even more special—as a way to get a lot of in-person time with students in one of my favorite areas of the country.

This year, we’re retreating again, November 17-19 at Stonewall. Join us for a weekend filled with deep yoga practice, community, and fun. The schedule for the weekend is:

  • Friday night, 6:00-9:00 pm ET: a physically stabilizing and mentally nourishing practice to help you peel away from what you've left behind.

  • Saturday morning, 9:00 am-12:00 pm ET: Bright and vibrant Fall practice. Standing poses, inversions (and inversions preparation for those beginning this journey), and backbends.

  • Saturday afternoon, 3:00-5:00 pm ET: Twists, forward folds, and pranayama.

  • Sunday morning, 9:00-11:00 am ET: Integration practice: What to bring home.

We will commune and laugh at dinner together on Saturday evening (unless aloneness is what you need). And we will continue the tradition of cutting costs and supporting climate change by carpooling and/or sharing housing.

Let us know if you have any questions. I hope you can join us for this amazing weekend!