Awareness to consciousness, with James Fox
James Fox started out in mindful meditation and yoga 30 years ago and soon after began teaching yoga to men facing life sentences at the San Quentin Prison. Soon after that, he founded the Prison Yoga Project, which is now all over the globe and is fueled by Fox’s dedication to teaching a trauma-informed approach in correctional facilities. The Prison Yoga Project’s reach is wide, in part because its approach is research based.
PYP’s and Fox’s classes not only address the standard self-regulatory aspects of any multi-modal yoga class; they even more profoundly apply a restorative justice model to help move students from the recognition of the harm they have done—not just to others but to themselves—to a place of empathy. This happens in many ways, but you will hear us talk most about the creation of community with them and for them. Fox talked about how to establish a practice in which everyone engages in pursuit of their highest good and their highest self. Indeed.
Enjoy the episode and as always, let us know if you have feedback, guest ideas, or anything else you want to chat about!
“Mindful awareness is the first step in.”